Monday, September 17, 2007

why I feel sorry for some of you today.

I know several people who have been reading "the wheel of time" series of fantasy novels. I've never been able to get into them because, even though I appreciate detailed story telling and elaborate prose, I believe the author of this particular series (robert jordan n.d.p) takes it way over the top.

Well, the series has been going on way too long already. It's been over 10 books and the poor bastard still couldn't finish telling his story. A few of his fans that I am acquainted with were often worrying that he was going to pass on before finishing. Their fears were appropriate. RIP James Oliver Rigney Jr

So to those of you where were hard-core fans, reading book after 800 page book to get to the end of this very very long series, you will now have no conclusion to your invested hours. That is why I feel sorry for you today.


klinton said...

yeah, i got into those books in high school. read like 7 of them or something. (book 3 was like 1200+ pages, actually. 800 is short =)

i never got back into it after the wait for the next one to come out, but i had a friend who was into it. i know he was very scared r.j. would die. i used to be scared every time i saw his picture on the back cover.

Taking it like a man said...

so you have no interest to see how it ends?

7 is a lot to read without closure. I would have gone nuts!

klinton said...

whoops! just realized i wasn't subscribed to the comment feed for your blog!

yeah, I guess i wanted closure at first, but honestly, after waiting a year and a half, i could barely remember where i left things... and definitely didn't care enough to read more