Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How to spend your time

I was reading this article about how Rolling Stone magazine got some of their ratings wrong, not objectively wrong, but disagreeably wrong.

Exhibit A: Joanna Newsom's Y's
It got a 2/5. I don't own this album (yet) but I think it's much better than a 2/5.

Exhibit B: Nirvana's albums (most of 'em)
I'm a big fan of Nirvana, but I wouldn't disagree that (other than the Unplugged album) they don't deserve 5/5s. Or, to put it another way, I would disagree that they deserve 5/5. Or, to put it another way still, I would agree that they don't deserve 5/5.

Exhibit C: The Pixies's Doolittle
Someone at rolling stone gave this a 3.5/5. Maybe my favorite of the Pixie's albums. I don't blame the reviewer at rolling stone's because this just goes to prove how we really shouldn't assume ratings and reviews are objective pieces of data.

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