Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Senators have a hard time getting elected: THE RECKONING

So remember how a few hours ago I was talking about how unfair it was that McCain was being called Pro-rape because of some subsection of some bill?

I also hinted at the fact that the McCain campaign is saying that Obama supported a bill which would "teach kindergartners about sex". It is claimed that the McCain campaign left out the word PREDATORS from their claim (sex predators, not sex).

I just stumbled upon a youtube video from msnbc where a couple of duchebags argue about it. I'm in agreement with one of the duchebags, but certainly not both. Try to guess which one!

Hint: it's not BRAD

In many ways, this "kindergarten sex-gate" is a thousand times worse than what i was describing in my previous post. That's because this isn't an issue about voting for or against an actual proposal, but it's an issue of lying, pulling facts straight out of one's ass.

Am I disappointed because it's happening? a little.

But I'm much more disappointed because it's going to work.

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