Monday, March 10, 2008

a priest, a rabbi, and a bodhisattva walk into a bar

As of yesterday afternoon I am now one of those guys who owns computers running all three of the major operating systems currently used in the US - Windows XP, Mac OSX, and Ubuntu. Of course this realization also brought me to realize that I actually own at least 3 computers.

The actual number is 5. I own 5 computers.

One of those is actually over 5 years old and is currently collecting dust, unused for a lack of a monitor. I've thought about donating it, but that would involve wiping the hard-drive and I can't trust any open-source software to do that job thoroughly enough. So since I don't own an industrial strength magnet, and most donation services would not likely accept a computer sans hard-disk, this old pc is just sitting there, collecting dust.

Then, there's a really old laptop that's actually not mine, but my wife's. That one actually is a bit newer than the other desktop, but because it's a laptop, it has less speedy components. It's still working but I'm thinking about installing some really low-intensity linux distro so we can get a few more years' use out of it.

Then, there are the three which are currently in the greatest use, which make up the OS triumvirate previously discussed.

So I own 5 computers... Actually, 6, if you count my playstation. If that's not a mark of privilege, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Periwinkle said...

I don't know when I became a sugar mommy!